Angel Locsin: "How I ended up in a wheelchair"

How Angel Locsin, a 38-year-old television and film actress, film producer, and fashion designer, ended up in a wheelchair due to arthritis that destroyed her joints and what helped her recover?

Maria Santos told us how Angel Locsin ended up in a wheelchair:

Angel worked too hard on the set. During the last filming, she often complained of knee pain. She had been suffering from gonarthrosis for a long time, and had to take injections all the time, which did not help her. She even traveled to Germany, but it was all in vain. She could barely walk, she had to work in a wheelchair. But, thank God, everything went well, Angel got better."

Our editorial team conducted an exclusive interview with Angel Locsin. The star revealed the shocking details of her serious illness and the amazing story of how her joints were healed after 5 years of suffering!

We are glad that Angel is healthy and continues to do what she loves.

Reporter: Angel, hi! Thank you for agreeing to give an exclusive interview to our edition. There are a lot of rumors about your health. Some even claim to have seen you in a wheelchair. Is it really true?

Angel Locsin: Hi. Unfortunately, yes, it's not fiction. I was in a wheelchair, though not for long. But even a few months in a wheelchair was enough for me to experience all the "delights" of such a life.

Reporter: What happened to you?

Angel Locsin: I had problems with my knee joint, stage 3 gonarthrosis. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. It's my fault because I left it aside. I should have started treatment earlier, but all I did was take painkillers - I couldn't stop filming, it's our job. Despite the pain, I had to work, otherwise I would let the whole team down.

Every month my knees hurt more and more, and my back started to hurt as well. I could barely walk. One day I woke up and couldn't even take a step. Everything hurt, from my knees to my spine. The doctors said it was a pinched nerve.

We had to stop filming. My family took me abroad for treatment. But they could not help me there. It didn't get better, even though we spent a lot of money. I insisted on returning to the Philippines because I wanted to go home.

And I went back to work again because I had spent a lot of money abroad. I had to get around in a wheelchair. Fortunately, I found a solution. So we continued filming as soon as I recovered.

Reporter: How did you manage to get out of the wheelchair?

Angel Locsin: Our wonderful doctor Willie Ong helped me, you all know him. He prescribed me a gel that I was to use as directed for two months.

It was this gel that helped me recover. My back pain disappeared! As if it had never been there... It contains a very effective ingredient. It was developed by our scientists.

So no European product can compare with it. And I felt it on my own experience. The pain subsided in a couple of days. But to get rid of the consequences of the disease, I underwent a full treatment, as Willie Ong told me. This remedy has a cumulative effect, it is important to use it as a course. I forgot about the pain in my back and legs.

I'm standing here, as you can see!

I am working and enjoying life. I was in the right hands at the right time. If it wasn't for Dr. Willie Ong, my career would have been buried. And it's hard to imagine what would have happened if he hadn't helped me.

Reporter: Angel, thank you for the frank interview! Stay healthy and keep on delighting us with your work for as long as possible!

Angel Locsin: Thank you for your concern. I also want to thank my fans for their support!

Our editorial team visited Dr. Willie Ong. We talk about joint diseases and a new Filipino product that helps to fully restore joints, eliminates pain, swelling and inflammation in one course!

Dr. Willie Ong

Filipino cardiologist, internist and media personality

Reporter: Good afternoon, Dr. Willie Ong. Today we want to talk to you about joint diseases. This issue is of concern to many of our readers.

Willie Ong: Yes, unfortunately, more than 70% of the population over 45 suffers from joint and spine diseases. And after 60 years, this figure reaches 85%!

And most of them are to blame for their problems!

Our people, especially the elderly, do not like to be treated. They endure until the pain becomes unbearable. And when that time comes, all they do is prescribe diclofenac or ketorol.

I want these people to realize that ointments, injections and other synthetic medicines are harmful to their health. Yes, they can have a temporary effect, but it will negatively affect your health in 6-7 weeks.

Injections of painkillers (which in our country are considered the main method of treating joints: diclofenac, ketorol, etc.) contribute to the development of gastritis and ulcers, and also have a negative impact on the liver. People don't realize that painkillers only mask the symptoms without solving the problem.

As a result, the disease progresses, destroying joints and causing unbearable pain.

Reporter: Why do joints hurt?

Willie Ong: The main cause of joint and spine problems is insufficient production of synovial fluid.

Synovial fluid acts as a natural lubricant. With a lack of synovial fluid, joints wear out and deteriorate. The knees, fingers, elbows, and spine are primarily affected.

Reporter: What is the danger of joint diseases?

Willie Ong: The main complications of joint pathologies are changes in the shape of the joints, severe limitation of movements and ankylosis, which completely immobilizes the joint and fixes it in a position, often incorrectly.

In case of incomplete flexion and extension of the joints, the axes of the limbs change, along which the main mechanical load of the body is distributed. As a result of a systematic violation of the correct limb axis, the load on other joints increases, causing secondary degenerative changes.

This is especially important when it comes to heavy joints: knee, hip, ankle.

A person experiences severe unbearable pain, and the patient's quality of life decreases: he or she cannot move normally, perform everyday household tasks. They are forced to change jobs, give up hobbies, and in 80% of cases become disabled.

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can cause disability in less than 3-5 years from the onset of the disease and reduce the life expectancy of patients by 15-20 years!

The inability to live a full life can lead to the development of depressive disorders. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and start treatment as early as possible before the changes in the joints become irreversible.

Reporter: How can you restore joints, eliminate pain and stiffness?

Willie Ong: Ointments are not effective. Physical therapy can be helpful, but it's not enough!

To permanently get rid of joint pain, you must first normalize the production of synovial fluid and reduce inflammation.

Reporter: How can synovial fluid production be improved?

Willie Ong: There is only one product that promotes synovial fluid production and completely restores the joint at the cellular level!

This is Easy GO — a unique development of the Clinical Research Institute of the Philippines together with Israeli partners. Easy GO is a complex of rare natural components selected in appropriate proportions that activate cellular processes of regeneration and renewal of joint tissues.

Reporter: Is this the one you wrote for Angel Locsin?

Willie Ong: Yes, it is. This gel contains a very powerful and rare ingredient. This ingredient is able to increase the production of synovial fluid by 70% and accelerate tissue regeneration at the cellular level several times.

When using the course, the process of joint degeneration and destruction will stop and the process of tissue repair will begin.

In addition, Easy GO contains menthol and boswellia serrata. The first component provides a powerful analgesic effect and quickly relieves inflammation, and the second improves blood circulation in the joint bag, increases mobility, prevents abrasion and protects against age-related changes in joint tissue.

Thus, we have a powerful formula that can quickly and effectively restore the ability to lead an active lifestyle.


Easy GO: the only effective remedy for fighting against joint diseases.

The main properties of Easy GO:

• Cleansing of synovial fluid;
• Removal of inflammation;
• Pain relief;
• Restoration of damaged joint tissue;
• Protection against further joint destruction.

The most important thing in treating joints is not to harm your body. Therefore, you should not constantly use anti-inflammatory ointments with painkillers such as ketorolac, diclofenac, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These substances cause ulcers, destroy the stomach, and their uncontrolled consumption can have irreparable consequences for the liver and kidneys. A product for joints must be effective and safe.

At the moment, Easy GO is the only product that meets these requirements. The active components of this gel promote rapid recovery of joints, relieve pain and inflammation, without affecting the stomach and liver.

I GUARANTEE you that this product is the best that modern science has achieved in the field of joint treatment. And I am proud that this product was invented in the Philippines together with Israeli partners. I recommend it to everyone! One of my patients completely got rid of pain in just 8 weeks, goes in for sports and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. And she is 73 years old.

Results of Easy GO laboratory tests at the Philippine Clinical Research Institute:

A group of 1000 subjects with joint diseases of various etiologies used Easy GO daily for a month.

The following results were obtained during the tests:

1. Relief of joint pain — 98%

2. Significant improvement in joint mobility — 96%

3. Reduction of swelling — 97%

4. Elimination of the inflammatory process — 96%

Easy GO has been shown to have a powerful effect on improving joint mobility and synovial fluid production. It is indicated for patients with joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis, gout, and many other pathologies.

Summarizing the findings of the study, we can say the following:

1. Joints and spine

98.3% of patients had no pain in the joints and spine. The result is almost 100%! I have never seen anything like this before, no other remedy has been so effective.

Due to its natural composition and the absence of chemicals and GMOs, Easy GO fights the cause of diseases. It helps to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain in the joints and fully restore joint function at home in just 1.5-2 months.

Easy GO is effective in arthritis and osteoarthritis of various etiologies, infections, age-related changes, injuries, increased stress and is suitable for the treatment of all diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

2. Vitality and activity

Everyone who has used Easy GO has reported a sharp increase in energy. This is because the ingredients in the product stimulate the production of certain hormones, including the hormones of youth and the hormone of happiness, dopamine. A person wants to move, does not get tired. Sleep is normalized and insomnia disappears. Cellular rejuvenation of human biological systems occurs.

3. Immune system

During the Easy GO course, patients improved blood supply to the bone marrow, which is involved in the production of immune cells. This strengthens the body's defenses.

Immunity protects not only against viruses. The main function of a strong immune system is to protect against cancer cells. A strong immune system recognizes and destroys cancer cells in time. It prevents the formation of a complete tumor.

An immune system that is at least 50% functional is already an insurmountable barrier to viruses. This is also very important today.

Healthy blood pressure!

The active ingredients of Easy GO penetrate the blood vessels and spread throughout the body. But early studies have shown that the product has an amazing ability to lower blood pressure to normal for its age.

In addition, it turns out that Easy GO:

  1. Dissolves cholesterol plaques in blood vessels
  2. Increases capillary permeability
  3. Relieves vasospasm caused by stress
  4. And finally, normalizes blood pressure

Easy GO - is not just a joint treatment. It is a product that completely restores health! Joint diseases are usually accompanied by other problems, but Easy GO can solve most of them.

This is a natural remedy that allows you to get rid of joint and back pain at home in just 1.5-2 months, without surgery or visits to the doctor.

  • The product is certified in the Philippines. It has a completely natural composition and no side effects.
  • It has a wide range of action and a comprehensive effect on damaged joints.
  • It is indicated for use in: arthritis and osteoarthritis in all its phases, inflammation and infections, age-related changes, injuries, increased stress and birth defects.
  • Easy GO is by far the most effective and SAFEST product for restoring joint health (clinically proven).

Many artists, athletes and dancers have also appreciated the unique properties of Easy GO !

Reporter: Where can I buy this product? Is Easy GO sold in pharmacies?

Willie Ong: As I said, it's not profitable for pharmacies to sell products that restore joints forever and that can't be cheated by 500-600%. Easy GO is just such a product.

It was developed by state research institutions, so private pharmacies are not interested in this product, just as they are not interested in the health of ordinary people.

Why is this happening? While people are spending huge amounts of money in pharmacies on useless pacifiers and twisting in pain in the throes of hell, these "owners" of pharmacy chains and corrupt doctors do not want to let the product that can be a solution to all these problems enter the market.

We are definitely struggling with the situation, but for now we have to look for opportunities to distribute Easy GO to those who really need it and try to develop such support measures.

Reporter: What kind of support measures are you talking about?

Willie Ong: I'm talking about a promotion launched by Easy GO in cooperation with our Israeli colleagues. As part of this campaign, every citizen who meets the conditions for preferential distribution can get Easy GO with a discount of up to 50%.

The product can only be obtained through an official drawing, as there are not enough for everyone, which is not surprising, as people pass information about this product to each other, and the excitement is growing every day.

Reporter: Thank you, Willie Ong, we will definitely post all the necessary information for our readers.

Conditions for receiving Easy GO under the promotion:

1. Must be registered in the Philippines

Citizens with permanent residence in the Philippines can take advantage of the offer.

2. For personal use only

This is necessary to combat resellers who try to get Easy GO in bulk and resell it with their own markup.

3. Take part in a draw from the manufacturer

There are a limited number of promotional packages, so the manufacturer sells them through a draw. Choose one of the doors below to get up to 50% off the promotional price.

WARNING! Recent studies have confirmed that the most favorable period to start using Easy GO is — March and April! Changes in temperature help speed up metabolism and faster joint recovery.



Anna Cruz

I recommend this tool to everyone! Easy GO helped a lot! The pain has receded, I can climb the stairs to the 4th floor, and only half of the course is over.

Sofia Reyes

We are very happy! Thank you for such a profitable promotion. I ordered at a discount, they did not deceive me.

Angela Dela Cruz

I ordered a discounted product, I really hope it will help. I have no strength anymore, osteoarthritis has tormented me.

Andrea Flores

Hi there. I know what hell it is when joints hurt firsthand. My legs hurt a lot, and I have a farm, cattle. I have already tried so many remedies, both folk and pharmacy, and it's no use, it only gets worse. I decided to take part in the draw and got a good discount! I thought I had to have it, and ordered this Easy GO. I picked it up from the post office two weeks ago. It's already easier, I'm doing the housework slowly.

Allen Ramirez

I really need this Easy GO, the region does not participate in the program, what should I do?

Jasmine Gonzales

I took the full Easy GO course. I feel so much better. I feel like I'm 20 years younger. My knee doesn't hurt, I can do everything, go to the dacha and to the forest to pick mushrooms. I am cheerful, active, this Easy GO is a wonderful remedy! I really liked it!

Bryan Herrera

The drug is good, I also ordered it for myself and my mother, she uses it.

Richard Fernandez

I have osteoarthritis as a result of a football injury. My knee hurts all the time, and it doesn't allow me to live normally. I tried Easy GO - it really helped, my knee stopped hurting.

Kevin Santos

A good product that helped relieve back pain. I broke my back at work, Easy GO put me back on my feet in a day.

Sofia Alonzo

It's not the first time I've ordered it, it helps my mom with her knee and my father with his lower back.

Camille Reyes

Ooooh, I've been dancing for a long time, my feet are all sore. They instantly become inflamed and swollen from any load. I used Easy GO for a month and the inflammation went away, the swelling subsided and the pain subsided.

Xavier Torres

I also had joint problems, osteoarthritis of the knee. But Easy GO quickly put me back on my feet. Now I can walk in the park with my grandson.

Angelica Lim

These pharmacy bastards have become completely insolent, the prices are crazy, I spend half my pension every time. And there is no good remedy in pharmacies. How can this be?

Gabriela Mendoza

Angelica, my doctor told me about Easy GO, he said that it is difficult to get it, but it is worth it.

Joanna Villanueva

Yay!!! I've never won anything in my life and here I took part in the drawing and got a discount! I've had arthritis for five years now, I've been suffering, I've thrown a lot of money down the drain. And Easy GO helped, in a few days it reduced the pain, relieved inflammation, and swelling.

Vanessa dela Rosa

Joanna, what a good girl you are! And I'm still lying down, taking pills, and they give me such heartburn... I can't sleep at night. I also took part in the drawing, won a discount and now I'm waiting for Easy GO.

Clarissa Castillo

Very good product, it helped me get rid of back pain. I have osteochondrosis, a sedentary job, and my back hurts a lot. I was looking for an effective remedy for a long time. I finally found it!

Nicole Manalo

I didn't think I would be so lucky. And then a discount came along! I treat my joints, I have a vegetable garden, grandchildren, a lot of things to do.

Jasper Ramirez

Easy GO helps. My knee hardly hurts, I'm satisfied.

Janine Salazar

My mom used to do dancing and gymnastics. And then her joints started to hurt, and after Easy GO she's like a young woman again!

Cassandra Uy

Please tell me, who has tried this product, can you be allergic to it? I really need this Easy GO, but I'm allergic to almost everything!

Rachel Magno

Cassandra, I'm allergic too, but I've never been allergic to Easy GO.

Cassandra Uy

Okay, thank you very much. I will order it and try it.

Gabriel Fernandez

As a doctor, I can tell you that this has never really happened before, and it's not clear why it's not on the market. Individually, each of these components is strong, and together they can work wonders.

Zachary Herrera

I want to thank the creators of Easy GO. I have been using the gel for 1.5 months now. During this time, my knee pain has completely gone away, I started moving, my mood is good, cheerful, cheerful, I do outdoor sports and I want to live to be 100 years old.

Eliza Galang

A great product, it helped my mom, she has been suffering from back and knee pain for a long time. In a little less than a couple of months, my mom started moving around the apartment and no longer complains of pain.

Kathleen Pascual

I just placed an order through a drawing, and I was lucky enough to get a discount! I'm really hoping for the Easy GO, I've been suffering from osteoarthritis. I was offered a joint replacement surgery, but I'm afraid of it. I want to try Easy GO first.

Marianne Tan

Kathleen, you are right to be afraid. My relatives had a joint replacement. It did not take root. He suffered for a long time and eventually died without getting back on his feet.

Trisha Sison

And now my friend and I are saving ourselves with Easy GO. We don't want to write ourselves off, we go to sports so that we don't stay at home. Easy GO helps us stay in shape. In fact, the strength comes from nowhere. And we have never gotten sick when everyone around us was sick. We think it's all about immunity. It seems to me that Easy GO boosts the immune system and heals the joints.

Therese Alvarez

I liked Easy GO, it relieves pain quickly, helped me with arthritis in my knee, I will recommend it to my teammates.

Philip Garcia

These pharmacies can't get enough, the prices are crazy! Such a good product and they don't sell it! To make money on the health of pensioners! Damn them, the bourgeois are insatiable!

Dominic Dela Rosa

You can get it. I ordered it through a private clinic for a lot of money. But what can I do, it's effective, it's worth the money. There were no such favorable promotions back then.

Carlos Sison

Well, dear, not everyone has money. It's good that such promotions are held and give you the opportunity to get discounts.

Erika Magno

I'm a medical student. Judging by the composition, the product is strong. The gel contains a valuable component that helps with joint problems, and in general for immunity, for the recovery of the body after illness, all these substances are very useful.

Leon Enriquez

I had a bad back, and my wife had arthritis. And after Easy GO, we've been doing sports, and our joints don't bother us anymore.

Marcos Pascual

That's right, it's not profitable for anyone to have a person completely healed, no one will make money. That's why they squeeze out good money from the market and prescribe imported and expensive ones. The mafia, in a word.

Rafael Tan

Are you sure you can get it for the special offer?

Aquila Basan

Rafael, Yes, I also ordered at a discount. And my brother participated, so I was out of luck.

Ivonne Alexus

I saw this Easy GO at my neighbor's dacha, she says it helps her a lot and that she got it on a special offer. But I don't believe her.

Benigna Maegan

Ivonne, believe me, I also received it in a special offer and Easy GO helped me too.

Genevalisse Izarre

I've read about it before. People wrote that it helps them. I haven't tried it myself yet.

Daryl Adriano

When I was younger, I served in the mountains. I heard that this composition helped people get back on their feet in the most hopeless cases.

Lyric Josune

I have 2nd degree osteoarthritis. The pain is hellish. No painkillers help. I was told to get ready for a wheelchair. But I'm not giving up yet. I first heard about this product, and I just took part in the draw and placed an order, so I want to try it.

Damario Dominic

Lyric, you should definitely try it, Easy GO put my mom back on her feet. They also predicted a wheelchair and that her arms would not work.

Amanda Esmerelda

Wow!!! And I got a discount! I've signed up, we'll see how it helps.

Anastasio Matias

I know about this Easy GO. Of course, I forgot the name, but they talked about it in some program. I remember seeing it for sure.

Cristina Suaco

What a great job you all do! Pensioners are active and healthy! And I'm like a wreck - a sofa and a TV. My hands hurt, my knees hurt, I smear and smear with these ointments and nothing goes away. I've taken so many pills, but it's no use.

Pascual Jamal Sipsip

My knees bend, my legs walk! What else is needed! Great product, I recommend it to everyone!

Placenta Heidi

Thank you!!! I'll try my hand at the lottery too.